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Bootstrap WebApp Development on Coreum | Developer Workshop

Create a decentralized application from the ground up and deploy Smart Token interactions directly in the browser, such as creating NFT collections and sending NFTs with the Coreum dApp Npm package

​During this workshop, participants will embark on a comprehensive exploration, beginning with the installation of the package and culminating in the unveiling of a fully functional DApp.

The key highlights of what we'll cover include

  • Initiating a Full-Stack web development environment with a bootstrap approach.
  • Engaging in seamless interaction and message signing with web-based wallets.
  • Crafting a decentralized application from the ground up.
  • Exploring smart token interactions directly in the browser, such as creating NFT collections and sending NFTs.

To actively participate, attendees should come prepared with the following prerequisites

  • A fundamental understanding of Typescript and React.
  • Installation of one of the following wallets Keplr, Leap, Cosmostation, or Frontier.

Language: Rust | Cosmwasm